Wed, 15 Mar 2006
The St. Patricks's Day parade reached a new high this year. We passed out nearly 1800 jello shots to the crowd (we had to save some for
ourselves). I don't know the total hash attendance, but there were 50 people
on the RSVP list. Plus OP came. The first I knew about OP was when he
called me from the TriRail. He had met up with Mike and Mike's kid Andy, who
were coming up to meet me and ride down to the parade together. OP wanted to
know if he could come too? I said sure, and picked them all up. Andy got to
sit up front, Mike and OP were in the back. We stopped by my house to regroup,
and so OP could get a beer. Andy tried out the chopper project, and Mike wore
his hat.
Soon enough it was time to go. Oddly, Circumspector opted to take her own car
and not ride with us. Good thing, too, since GH called soon after we left,
and asked for a ride. We picked him up and I made him sit in the back with
OP and Mike. On our way out of Lake Worth I was checking out the hottie
washing her car, when I realized it was the Head. I backed up, and she came
over and talked to us for a minute. She didn't even throw the soapy water on
Only a few minutes further on we had to stop for gas and more beer. And OP
had to use the bathroom. If you look right in the center of the first photo
you can see him facing the camera and doing his dirty little business. The
cops checked us out pretty carefully as we got onto I-95, but didn't detain
Things were hopping once we got to the start of the hash. HalfLife was showing
off his new teeth, and GH was bending over in preparation for something.
Bootlicker was hanging on the float to stay vertical. We had to use a
field expedient to get the inital "ON" on the foot, after finding that one
of the feet had blown off on the 70 mph drive down. But eventually we all
assembled for the money group shot.
The hash itself was uneventful, marked only by the eight phone calls from
Mike asking, "Where are you?". We were near the train tracks, he was on the
train track, and all he had to do was go north. For some reason that was not
possible. At least Circumspector got Plop's head painted.
After the hash we and the float made our way to the assembly point, where we
stood around for 30 or 40 minutes waiting for some organization. We made good
use of the time by passing out jello shots to everyone around us.
Pretty soon we were under way. We were behind a big ladder truck full of
firemen, and in front of a police bagpipe band. What a perfect location for
the hash! There were some exotic dancers in a car not too far behind. We
saw DumpsterDiver in his Gumby costume along the parade route.
The circle went well. The center of attention was the office chair. It was
very popular. Much beer was drunk.
We close with these shots of Princess trying to cool off. I think I like the
first one best, but I just couldn't decide. So I present them all here for
your perusal.
posted at: 06:54 | permalink |