Thu, 06 Apr 2006
It was New Beer's Eve last night, better known as the 67th anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition. Yeast gave
us all a history lesson, culminating in the New Beer's Eve FCAT. We met
behind the Publix, with a good-sized turnout of 30+ people. In honor of New
Beer's Eve, Yeast had provided Natty Lite. I got some photos as the sun was
Yeast was away promptly at 7:10,
and we followed him after a decent interval. The first half was mucho shiggy,
winding through the Pinehurst mountain bike trails, and then crossing the
street into the equestrian park. The pack had some idea of where they were
going, so the pace was quick, with not a lot of time solving the checks.
After just 3.27 miles we arrived at the beer check, on a secluded lake in the
equestrian park. As we stood around refreshing ourselves we saw a curious
site in the distance. It was the walkers, but they were ... running?
Apparently there is a quite a push in the walker community to get properly
trained for the upcoming 7 Mile Bridge run.
Pretty soon we left the beer check, for a more-or-less straight run back to
the cars, where more Natty Lite awaited us. We had a decent circle, with
Plop keeping the crowd under control. There were several returning NFHNs,
and even a hash hottie. Things are going well in the new hasher department.
Then Duffy's, then home.
For once my prediction was pretty close. The prediction is on the left, and
the actual trail is on the right. I got the mountain bike trail and the
equestrian trail, but Yeast opted to skip Okeeheelee after that.
posted at: 07:31 | permalink |