Sat, 07 Jan 2006
I got my first swamp buggy ride last weekend. As part of Alex's job he has a swamp buggy at his disposal. There was a lot
of jostling to get on board when Alex said he was giving rides, but Jim
managed to get a good seat.
The light was good, with that golden hour sunlight lasting for nearly the
entire ride. I took the opportunity to shoot a bunch of pictures of Alex
as he drove. He's got a sort of Johnny Cash look to him here. Or maybe
it's not-fat-Elvis.
Here's one more sequence of photos. The third one is what I was trying for,
but for whatever reason, Alex's face is really posterized/solarized. I think
it's a
failing of the camera phone. I'd pay some bucks for a phone with a truly
decent camera built into it. The fourth photo is almost as good, and there
is no posterization effect.
Alex finally stopped so we could see a baby alligator in some shallow
water. I took the opportunity to jump off and get some shots of the buggy
itself. Then we headed back to camp, with a nice sunset off to the west.
posted at: 07:08 | permalink |